We’re delighted to be able to congratulate Mrs A.V. & Mr J.W. Brigg (Gorse Flock 00398) on their success at the Worcester Christmas Primestock Show.
Their pen of 5 Suffolk x Wiltshire Horn lambs won both the Heavy Weight Native Bred class (@ 43kg) as well as the Native Champion Cup.
Suffolk x Wiltshire Horn Lambs The winning heavy weight pen Josh Brigg receiving the Native Champion Cup from judge, Mr Andrew Mutch
This is an excellent demonstration of the ability of the Wiltshire Horn ewe to breed and rear quality butchers lambs that can stand up on their own merits in a commercial context.
The winning lambs were all sired by home bred Suffolk rams which carry a large proportion of New Zealand blood – a cross that seems to click extremely well with the Wiltshire Horn ewes to produce lambs of the weight and finish that the market wants.
The Briggs had two further pens of the same cross – 12 @ 47kg and 18 @ 43.5 kg – and all sold well in the auction. The judge was Mr Andrew Mutch of Mutch Meats, Witney – a regular buyer of both finished cattle & sheep at Worcester market.