Wiltshire Horn Sheep Society Ltd (WHSS) https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk News, information, sales and resources Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:46:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/cropped-fav1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Wiltshire Horn Sheep Society Ltd (WHSS) https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk 32 32 226366087 Benny Thomas https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/benny-thomas/ Wed, 15 Jan 2025 18:40:50 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3226

Benny Thomas

It is with sorrow that his family have asked us to share the sad news of Benny Thomas’s death on Monday 13th January. His membership of the Society and his commitment to the Wiltshire Horn meant a great deal to him. A noted breeder who achieved great success in the show ring with his Celyn Flock, Benny will be greatly missed by his family and all who knew him. Further details will follow soon.

Newmills Flock : Stock for Sale https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/newmills-flock-stock-for-sale/ Sun, 06 Oct 2024 13:11:36 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3212 Fine registered rams, all ages from 1, 2 and 3 years old, for sale from 30-year old closed flock with much input from top WH breeders in the past.  

With good conformation and relaxed temperaments, they have received all TLC, incl. their heptavac jabs.  Our flock has received commendation from a renowned sheep judge, but privately as we don’t show. They thrive on our unimproved pasture with no special feeding.  Please view, or query to:

Alison Barnes, Bude, Cornwall.

01288 341250 or Whatsapp/text 07538 779316.

2024 Premier Sale Report https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2024-premier-sale-report/ Sun, 22 Sep 2024 10:48:01 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3207 14th September 2024
Rugby Farmers’ Mart
Judge:  S Brodie, Northants

A strong trade at this year’s Premier Show & Sale saw a new breed record of 1850gns for the male and supreme champion Celyn Cybi, a ram lamb bred by B&H Thomas & Sons, Anglesey sired by Brockhall Tornado, and bought by W Roberts, also from Anglesey.  Their ram lamb Celyn Cawr, placed second by Judge Stuart Brodie, made 420gns to P. Morris, Glos, with PJH Statham’s third placed ram lamb Cena Nigellus, by Bradley Psycho, just behind at 400gns.

Shearling rams from JM Jeyes and Family, Warks, saw Lawford Percival, by Cynfarwy Vicar, going to J Brown for 620gns and Slapton Upton, fourth in his class, selling to 580gns.  The first placed shearling ram was the reserve male champion Glanmor Orion from M Jones, Gwynedd, sired by Manor Monty and selling to R Owen, Anglesey for 550gns.  Also at 550gns was R Owen’s own ram Trefri Ynyr, by Celyn Yays.  Third in his class was Celyn Bedo, another entry from B&H Thomas & Sons going to Northamptonshire with RG Elliott and Son for 520gns.

The two rams forward on the day were the first placed Catcomb Gordon on offer from M Gibson & Family selling to 300gns and D & T Williams’s second placed Manor Nelson at 200gns.

Leading the ewe lambs at 300gns was the female champion from N&T Hodgkinson, Lincs, who were selling for the last time before their retirement. Their other three ewe lambs achieved 220gns, 200gns and 140gns, all were daughters of Highhedges Eagle and all went home with M Roston, Berks. Also at 200gns, were two ewe lambs from D Thomas & family with another from B&H Thomas & Sons, second in her class, at 190gns.  The Ling Cup for the group of three ewe lambs was taken home this year by M Jones.

The top priced females on the day were shearling ewes from N&T Hodgkinson’s Souldrop flock with the reserve female champion, sired by Highhedges Eagle, taken home to Devon by Mrs C S White for 620gns, and their fourth placed shearling ewe selling to the Jeyes family for 520gns.  Following on in the class were one from WR Robert’s Nant flock at 460gns, two homebred ewes from The Hadfield Family at 430gns and 400gns and another from N&T Hodgkinson also at 400gns.

Heading up the aged ewe class in first and second place were ewes from D&T Williams selling for 280gns and 300gns, both to J Bradley, Warks, followed by OJ&EL Campbell-Hill’ s third placed ewe at 240gns. Strong demand for females saw 100% clearance in both shearling ewe and ewe classes.

As always, we thank our vendors and buyers for making this another successful show and sale, the judge Stuart Brodie and Rugby Farmers Mart for hosting our sale.

With the re-emergence of Bluetongue there were unfortunately members who had to withdraw their lots.  We can only hope that this disease can be contained to minimise the spread and does not impact further on the autumn breed sales which are so important to the farming community.


Ewe Lambs
17 averaging £177.26 to £315
12 to £105

Shearling Ewes
8 averaging £471.18 to £651
37 averaging £307.90 to £378
11 averaging £203.31to £210

7 averaging £205.50 to £315

Ram Lambs
1 at £1942.50
6 averaging £306.25 to £441
6 to £210

Shearling Rams
5 averaging £592.20 to £651
6 to £252

2 averaging £262.50 to £315

Teresa A Hodgkinson

Bradley X Flock : Stock for Sale https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/bradley-x-flock-stock-for-sale/ Wed, 24 Jul 2024 16:07:49 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3139 The Bradley X Flock (647) in Cheddar, Somerset has Shearling Ewes & Rams & older stock for sale. Plus a limited number of Ewes with lambs at foot. Lambs available at weaning from July.

Stock not supplementary fed, only grass and hay available in the winter.

We are involved in various Conservation Grazing projects and Wiltshire Horn’s prove an ideal sheep for challenging overgrown conditions.

Starter flocks our speciality : a group of ewes with unrelated ram.

We are always happy to look at swapping registered breeding rams.

Various age, proven breeding rams also available.

Whole flock on HeptavacP program. Whole flock SCRAPIE tested ARR/ARR. Whole flock are only wormed as necessary using SCOPS principles, (Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep) to avoid resistance.

Inspection invited, advice freely given, delivery sometimes available.

for more information contact:-

Paul Morgan, Bradley Cross Farm, Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset. BS27 3YU

m:- 07779-050833  t:-  01934-741771 e: bradleyxfarm@btinternet.com

2024 Diary Dates https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2024-diary-dates/ Thu, 23 May 2024 16:11:44 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3069 A quieter year after the excitement of the Centenary last year.

2023 Centenary Premier Sale Report https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2023-centenary-premier-sale-report/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:43:38 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3019 16th September 2023

Rugby Farmers’ Mart

Judge:  W R Roberts, Anglesey

A cracking trade at the Centenary Premier Show and Sale saw high demand for females with 100% clearance and record averages across the female classes, with the majority going to a new buyer from Wiltshire.

The Centenary Supreme Championship was awarded to the Female Champion, a ewe lamb from B & H Thomas and Son’s Celyn flock, sired by Souldrop Regal and sold to M Rostron for 400gns.   Demand for their ewe lambs saw the remaining two selling for 320gns. Their lambs also won the group of three ewe lambs class, taking home the Ling cup. A fitting end to the family’s showing year after winning the Centenary National Show Supreme Championship at the Royal Three Counties Show.

Following on behind the Supreme Champion in her class at 350gns, was the second placed ewe lamb from N&T Hodgkinson’s Souldrop flock.  Ewe lambs from the judge’s own Nant flock sold to 270gns and 250gns, followed by a trio from J Bradley also at 250gns.

The highest priced female of the day was the Reserve Female Champion, a shearling ewe from Mrs J Evans’s Springwood flock, selling at 535gns, with her other shearlings on offer following on at 330gns, all daughters of Souldrop Trojan and all sold to M. Jones.

Second in the shearling ewe class was a homebred female from David and Tim Williams taken home by M Rostron for 410gns.

Finally, leading the aged ewe class, was a female sired by Celyn Victor from Mrs C S White’s Pigeon flock at 330gns followed by two daughters of Celyn Wyn from Mrs J Evans reaching 230gns.

The top priced male of the day was two year old Braint Goliath from G & J Jones, sired by Brockhall Robber and selling for 720gns to S Brodie, who, as judge on the day, had awarded him the Male Championship at the Centenary National Show in June.  Brockhall Thunder, S Brodie’s own aged ram, sold for 450gns.

Homebred males from David and Tim Williams led the ram classes with ram lamb Manor Owen taking the Male Championship, selling to 400gns, and shearling ram Manor Nelson taking the Reserve Male Championship.

Keen bidding for the ram lambs on offer saw W R Robert’s Nant Robin selling to R & N J Bryson for 550gns, R Savery’s 3rd placed Bramham Eddie selling for 480gns and 4th placed, homebred Huntingford Johnny from Mr J Hadfield, selling to 420gns.

Leading the shearling rams in the sale, were Staddlebridge Percy from E. Black taken home by G Morris for 420gns, Blaisdon Funday from C Mawlam, going for 400gns, and Celyn Arun from B & H Thomas and Sons at 280gns.

The day was a fitting finale to our centenary year, showing a strong resurgence of demand for Wiltshire Horn ewes as we approach our next century.  Sincere thanks go to our judge Mr William Roberts, to steward Stuart Brodie, to Tom Wrench and Rugby Farmers Mart, and to the vendors, buyers and members who supported this important and successful show and sale.  Well done everyone.


Ewe lambs £239.75 to £420

Shearling ewes £255.70 to £561.75

Ewes £276.50 to £346.50

Ram lambs £269.50 to £577.50

Shearling rams £259.15 to £441

Rams £382.20 to £756                                                                                                  Teresa A Hodgkinson

2023 Centenary Premier Show & Sale Results and Report https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2023-centenary-premier-show-sale-results-and-report/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:31:44 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3016 Including the Iolo Owen Points Prize for the 2023 showing season


Judge:  W R Roberts, Anglesey

A cracking trade at the Centenary Premier Show and Sale saw high demand for females with 100% clearance and record averages across the female classes, with the majority going to a new buyer from Wiltshire.

The Centenary Supreme Championship was awarded to the Female Champion, a ewe lamb from B & H Thomas and Son’s Celyn flock, sired by Souldrop Regal and sold to M Rostron for 400gns.   Demand for their ewe lambs saw the remaining two selling for 320gns. Their lambs also won the group of three ewe lambs class, taking home the Ling cup. A fitting end to the family’s showing year after winning the Centenary National Show Supreme Championship at the Royal Three Counties Show.

Following on behind the Supreme Champion in her class at 350gns, was the second placed ewe lamb from N&T Hodgkinson’s Souldrop flock.  Ewe lambs from the judge’s own Nant flock sold to 270gns and 250gns, followed by a trio from J Bradley also at 250gns.

The highest priced female of the day was the Reserve Female Champion, a shearling ewe from Mrs J Evans’s Springwood flock, selling at 535gns, with her other shearlings on offer following on at 330gns, all daughters of Souldrop Trojan and all sold to M. Jones.

Second in the shearling ewe class was a homebred female from David and Tim Williams taken home by M Rostron for 410gns.

Finally, leading the aged ewe class, was a female sired by Celyn Victor from Mrs C S White’s Pigeon flock at 330gns followed by two daughters of Celyn Wyn from Mrs J Evans reaching 230gns.

The top priced male of the day was two year old Braint Goliath from G & J Jones, sired by Brockhall Robber and selling for 720gns to S Brodie, who, as judge on the day, had awarded him the Male Championship at the Centenary National Show in June.  Brockhall Thunder, S Brodie’s own aged ram, sold for 450gns.

Homebred males from David and Tim Williams led the ram classes with ram lamb Manor Owen taking the Male Championship, selling to 400gns, and shearling ram Manor Nelson taking the Reserve Male Championship.

Keen bidding for the ram lambs on offer saw W R Robert’s Nant Robin selling to R & N J Bryson for 550gns, R Savery’s 3rd placed Bramham Eddie selling for 480gns and 4th placed, homebred Huntingford Johnny from Mr J Hadfield, selling to 420gns.

Leading the shearling rams in the sale, were Staddlebridge Percy from E. Black taken home by G Morris for 420gns, Blaisdon Funday from C Mawlam, going for 400gns, and Celyn Arun from B & H Thomas and Sons at 280gns.

The day was a fitting finale to our centenary year, showing a strong resurgence of demand for Wiltshire Horn ewes as we approach our next century.  Sincere thanks go to our judge Mr William Roberts, to steward Stuart Brodie, to Tom Wrench and Rugby Farmers Mart, and to the vendors, buyers and members who supported this important and successful show and sale.  Well done everyone.


Ewe lambs £239.75 to £420

Shearling ewes £255.70 to £561.75

Ewes £276.50 to £346.50

Ram lambs £269.50 to £577.50

Shearling rams £259.15 to £441

Rams £382.20 to £756                                                                                                   Teresa A Hodgkinson

2023 Hanbury Show Results https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2023-hanbury-show-results/ Thu, 14 Sep 2023 11:02:21 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=3005 ]]> 3005 2023 Kenilworth Show Results https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2023-kenilworth-show-results/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 18:26:04 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=2994 ]]> 2994 2023 Honiton Show Results https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/2023-honiton-show-results/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 15:37:13 +0000 https://www.wiltshirehorn.org.uk/?p=2992 ]]> 2992